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Our Story

From Saigon With Love

Both Saigonese natives, Son and Chinh were high school sweethearts that decided to study business together in Singapore, and later, Australia.

Many years after college graduation they had been working in different jobs but they only found love and the happiness in cooking together. It was always their dream to build a kitchen and to share their passion of foods with others.

“We see it is really meaningful of the work that can be done by both husband and wife together”.

The Birth of the Sochi Cake

While in Saigon. Son and Chinh developed their own sweet and savory cake called Sochi cake, taking on of the traditional "Banh it", a type of sweet rice cake wrapped in banana leaf. Combining their names, Son and Chinh began to sell the Sochi cake and quickly got more local enjoying their creation. It was an early glimpse of their shared dream.

A Place for Food and Family

Today, Son and Chinh are living their dream. Sochi Kitchen embodies their vision for true, authentic Vietnamese cuisine, offering food and drink that create fond memories.


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